Academy of On Site Massage

Good health is important from both a personal and business perspective, each being able to positively influence the other. 
Massage at work is an excellent way to provide support for employees as part of a company's wellbeing strategy and is a positive investment for the business.
Seated Acupressure is an ideal massage service to offer.

At AOSM, our focus is to provide bespoke training for those practitioners who already hold a recognised qualification in Seated Acupressure, and who are looking to refresh and enhance their knowledge, skills, and confidence.
Seated Acupressure Practitioners

 As a qualified massage practitioner, you often work alone and have to wear the many 'hats' of business. Although we often know what we should be doing to build our business, there can be an element of overwhelm and not knowing which bit to do first. Sometimes you just want a bit of support from another practitioner who may have been there, done that....and may do it again at some point. We are human, after all!

 If you are looking for support from fellow Seated Acupressure Massage practitioners, then AOSM Support Group could be the place for you. Our members include highly experienced practitioner and tutors of AOSM, with a wealth of business thoughts, ideas and suggestions. 
Why not check out  AOSM Membership Support Group

 If you want to keep your finger on the AOSM pulse and find out what is happening and when, register below to keep up to date.